Friday, May 5, 2017

Wikipedia Trail: From Lions to Alexander the Great

I picked lion to start out with because I read some Aesop's Fables that were about lions. Lions are big cats that are part of the felidae family. There are eight different subspecies of lions that are recognized today. They can be mostly found in the wild in Africa.

Heracles (also known as Hercules) is a Greek mythological character. He is a demigod whose father was Zeus and whose mother was Alcmene. He is one of the most famous demigods. At one point in his life Hera caused Hercules to go mad and kill his family. He wanted to pay for his crimes so he set out to accomplish ten tasks. Two of the tasks weren't accepted so he had to do a total of twelve tasks.

Hercules and the Nemean Lion

The mares of diomedes were man-eating horses from Greek mythology. They were wild and uncontrollable horses that belonged to Diomedes, who was the king of Thrace. These horses were apart of Hercules' eight task.

Alexander was the king of the ancient kingdom of Macedon. He led to Greeks in a conquest of Persia. He was not only the King of Macedon, but also the Pharaoh of Egypt, the King of Persia, and the King of Asia. He is regarded as one of the most influential people in history.

Famous Last Words: Almost Done!

Since this was the last week of class I didn’t do any assigned reading on Monday and Tuesday. I did chose to do the extra credit reading though. I went all the way back to the beginning and read the Aesop’s Fables, the one translated by Jacobs. It was really fun and quick to read the stories in that unit. I liked how they were all broken down into different categories based on character. There were a lot of stories about lions. I liked how at the end of each story there was a little lesson that the story was trying to teach. This week I got to finish one of the story books that I started at the beginning of the semester. It was really cool to see the story come to an end. I did have a few issues with how it ended, but hey we all aren’t professional writers, so not everything will be one hundred percent awesome. I have finished two out of six classes this week, and once I finish my assignments for this class today I will be done with half of my classes for the semester! I am doing pretty good in all of my classes this semester. I am a bit worried about the two classes I have to take a final in, they are my two hardest classes! I am confident that I can study well and get a good grade on both tests! Next week is finals week! School is so close to being over, it’s crazy how fast this school year went by. I can barely remember last semester, but that could just be my horrible memory coming into play! My summer plans aren’t that exciting, just summer school and work, but I am looking forward to a slower pace of life for a few months!

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Reading Notes: Aesop's Fables (Jacobs), part A

A lion, a fox, a jackal, and a wolf went hunting one day and killed a stag. They had a hard time figuring out how to split up the meat. The lion told the animals to quarter the body. Then the lion said he got one quarter because he is the king, another quarter because he chased the stag, a third quarter because he is making the decisions, and the last quarter because no one will stop him. No one dared question him. “You may share the labours of the great, but you will not share the spoil.”
A slave escape his master and ran into the forest. He saw and lion and started to flee, but it wasn’t chasing him. The slave noticed that the lion had a thorn stuck in his paw. The slave removed the thorn and bandaged the paw, and soon the lion was able to bring the slave to his cave. They both lived together in the cave for a while before the slave was captured. The slave was put in an arena with the lion who hadn’t had food for a while. When the lion was let loose he remembered his friend and began to lick him. The emperor took the slave, and after the slave explained what had happened, pardoned him and set him free. “Gratitude is the sign of noble souls”

A man and a lion were contemplation which one was stronger. The man said that humans were stronger and show the lion a statue of Hercules defeating a lion. The lion said that that didn’t mean much because a man made the statue. “We can easily represent things as we wish them to be.”

A lion would try to hunt four oxen, but every time he tried, they would stand back to back. He could never approach them because of their horns. One day the oxen started fighting and split up. The lion was easily able to kill them one by one. “United we stand,
divided we fall”

A fox got into a theatre and saw a face staring at him. He was scared until he realized it was just a mask. Then he wasn’t frightened anymore. “Outside show is poor substitute for inner worth”

The Fables of Aesop by Joseph Jacobs

Review: The Story Coaster

The Story Coaster

I picked this illustration from the announcements because it made me laugh out loud. I love to read and I thought this humorous picture was just fantastic. I can think of each part of the roller coaster and how it applies to some of my favorite books.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Growth Mindset: I don't know what I am doing

The Power of "I Don't Know"

I chose this meme because I myself have a hard time saying "I don't know" I think this is a good info-graphic to show how to help you when you don't know something. I also think that this is illustrated really nicely.

Learning Challenge: Pay Attention to Me

Grant Snider: Interior Life

I really liked this illustration under the attention tab. I picked this meme because I thought it was the cutest of the bunch. I think that it is a funny way of looking at how people's brains work. Of course I don't think that it totally applies to everyone, but it's still cute.

Google Timer Tech Tip

I think that using a timer can be a great way to manage how long study breaks are. I think that I will start a study break with no defined ending point and so my break ends up being a few hours long. That's not always what I want when I take a break. I think I should probably implement this technique next semester.