Out of the three reading techniques I thought that reading out loud was the most effective and beneficial to getting me to focus. Since I speck slower than I actually read I force myself to slow down and pay more attention to the words I am saying. Plus I just like reading out loud, it just makes it a little more fun. I would say the copy and delete method was just a little bit better than the timer method, but not by much. I didn't really like either of them. I thought that the copy and delete method was too fussy when it came to actually deleting the paragraph. The timer method wasn't something I liked either because I don't like feeling like I have to fill up time by rereading or just reading slower. It doesn't make me pay more attention because I'm just focusing on when the time is up. I think for future project readings I'll implement reading out loud to help me pay more attention to the stories. Out of the stories I read I really liked the Bucchettino story. I just thought it was really cute, and I like the little boys name.

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