It’s finally dead week! Only one week left of classes. This
past week was pretty good reading wise. I think I accidentally read two
different books thinking they were the same. So, parts A and B are different,
but I don’t think it’s a big deal. I really like my story that I wrote for this
week. I adapted Cinderella and turned it into a genderbent story, which was
really fun to do. I think that it was easier for me to write my story this week
because I was easily inspired by the stories I was reading. I quickly thought
of my idea for this week, and knocked out my story in no time! I didn’t really
read anything outstanding this week. Everything was ok, but nothing was amazing.
One story was a bit confusing to read, but I think I understood better once I
re-read it. My other classes are going ok. A bit overwhelmed by the amount of
work left to do. But it’s all almost over so I think I can manage it all ok.
This weekend was really fun. I went to a spring banquet to celebrate the
graduating senior within the college ministry I am a part of. We all got to
dress up, which is a fun change from sweatpants and t-shirts every day. My
boyfriend was one of the seniors recognized, so it was fun to get to celebrate
him graduating. I am looking forward to watching him walk the stage in two
weeks. This upcoming week is going to be a little crazy. I have two major
semester long projects due, one final, and a bunch of other homework. I am
going to have to buckle down and get all of this done on time! I have my weeks
all planned out to get this all done on time!

I hope the rest of your semester has began to wind down! I know we still have finals, but hopefully it won't be too much for you! I understand what you mean, I gave my Capstone presentation there and it was nerve wracking. Now I have to finish the written document by next week, as well as studying for the final that I do have. Good luck to your boyfriend! I'm walking as well, and I am so beyond excited to finally be doing so! Good luck on finals!