Since this was the last week of class I didn’t do any
assigned reading on Monday and Tuesday. I did chose to do the extra credit
reading though. I went all the way back to the beginning and read the Aesop’s
Fables, the one translated by Jacobs. It was really fun and quick to read the
stories in that unit. I liked how they were all broken down into different
categories based on character. There were a lot of stories about lions. I liked
how at the end of each story there was a little lesson that the story was
trying to teach. This week I got to finish one of the story books that I
started at the beginning of the semester. It was really cool to see the story
come to an end. I did have a few issues with how it ended, but hey we all aren’t
professional writers, so not everything will be one hundred percent awesome. I
have finished two out of six classes this week, and once I finish my
assignments for this class today I will be done with half of my classes for the
semester! I am doing pretty good in all of my classes this semester. I am a bit
worried about the two classes I have to take a final in, they are my two
hardest classes! I am confident that I can study well and get a good grade on
both tests! Next week is finals week! School is so close to being over, it’s
crazy how fast this school year went by. I can barely remember last semester,
but that could just be my horrible memory coming into play! My summer plans
aren’t that exciting, just summer school and work, but I am looking forward to
a slower pace of life for a few months!

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