Monday, January 30, 2017

Reading Notes: Aesop (Winter), Part A

The Wolf and the Kid
The kid thinks he is a grown up because he has big horns.
He doesn’t follow the flock when they leave and is stuck alone.
As he tries to find his flock he comes across a wolf
The goat makes him play a song before eating him.
Dogs near by hear this and know it’s the wolf.
They chase him away from the kid
Do not let anything turn you from your purpose.

The Tortoise and the Ducks
The tortoise has a shell on his back because he didn’t leave home to attend Jupiter’s wedding.
The tortoise was jealous that he was stuck in his home all day.
One day he meets to ducks and they agree to show him the world.
He held a stick in his mouth and they carried him into the air
As they flew another bird came and started to talk to the tortoise.
The tortoise began to reply, and opened his mouth.
He then fell to his death on some rocks.
Foolish curiosity and vanity often lead to misfortune

The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox
A dog and a cock were best friends, they wanted to see the world.
They decided to leave the farm and go on an adventure.
Once night hit, they found a tree to sleep in.
When he woke, the cock forgot where he was and started to crow.
He accidentally woke up a fox nearby
They fox tried to trick the cock to come down so he could eat him.
The cock knew what was going on and instead tricked the fox.
The cock sent the fox right into the dog.
Those who try to deceive may expect to be paid in their own coin.

The Eagle and the Jackdaw
A Jackdaw saw and eagle swoop down and take a lamb off the ground.
It thought that it was strong enough to do that too.
So it tried to swoop down and take a ram off the ground.
When it tried to pull up, it got stuck in the ram’s wool
The shepherd saw the bird and took it and clipped its wings.
He gave the bird to his children.
He told them that the Jackdaw thought it was an eagle.
Do not let your vanity make you overestimate your powers.

The Boy and the Filberts
A boy stuck his hand in a pitcher to get some filberts.
His hands were so stuffed he couldn’t get it out.
He refused to let go of any of them so he was still stuck.
His mother told him to let go of half so that he could have them now, and then have half later.
Do not attempt too much at once.

Bibliography: These stories are part of The Aesop forChildren, author unknown with illustrations by Milo Winter (1919).

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Feedback Thoughts

The two articles I read for Articles on getting feedback.
The two articles I read for Articles on giving feedback.

Image result for feedback

I think the article that I took the most away from is the Key Characteristics of Better Learning Feedback. I felt like this article clearly explained the ways to give great feedback. It broke it down into seven key things that make some feedback better than others. I appreciated how he explained in detail how each of the key points contribute to making better feedback. Anytime I give feedback it usually comes in the form of a “good job”, “nice try”, or even “I think this aspect could be different”. Reading this article made me realize that my input is important, and I need to make an effort to give valuable feedback. I think his advice on giving “actionable information” is something that I need to make more of an effort doing. Instead of just giving advice on what I didn’t think worked, or what I liked, I need to give more detailed feedback to help the person see how they can improve or what made their work good. I need to work on not only giving feedback but receiving feedback. In high school when we were given back essays or stories that we had written, I never looked at the comments and feedback that the teacher wrote throughout the paper. I know that I am not a good writer and it makes me self -conscious when people point out my spelling or grammar mistakes. So I need to listen to the article when it says that feedback isn’t an attack on the person, but a guide to helping them improve. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Week 2 Story Planning: Cupid and Psyche

For my story, I’m thinking of setting it in modern day Hollywood. Venus would be a well-established celebrity. Psyche would be a new girl on the scene who quickly steals Venus’ spotlight. Through the tabloids, Venus will find out that she is going to be replaced with the newer, prettier Psyche. To get revenge and to keep her title Venus sends her son Cupid to try and ruin Psyche image. I’m not sure how he will do this yet. I still need to figure out what exactly he could do to ruin Psyche reputation. After Cupid starts to do this though, he falls in love with Psyche and wants to be with her. Psyche at this point knows it is Cupid who she has been hanging out with, but she doesn’t know his motivations. Soon Cupid proposes to Psyche and Venus finds out that he hasn’t been pretending to like her this whole time. Venus also finds out that Psyche is pregnant with Cupid’s baby. Even with that news she becomes angry and tries to hurt Psyche. At first Cupid doesn’t stand up to his mother and he breaks off the engagement with Psyche. However, after a while he does talk to his mom, and he gets back with Psyche and goes through with the marriage. Soon after they get married Psyche has the baby which is a girl.

 Image result for cupid and psyche
Maybe is could write this as a series of tabloid articles. Each title would represent a new event that has happened in the story. Underneath that would be an article going into more detail about what happened. It would all be stylized after how magazines and tabloids write their articles. If that doesn’t work out then I would try to write it from Cupid’s perspective since he is kinda on both sides, and he is the one who changes his mind halfway through Venus’ plan.

Bibliography: Cupid and Psyche, written by Apuleius and translated English by Tony Kline. A fairy tale included in the novel The Golden Ass.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Reading Notes: Cupid and Psyche: Part B

Cupid was at his mother’s (Venus’) house after Psyche accidentally burned him with candle wax. Venus heard about her son being hurt, though what she was told was greatly overstated. This is exactly what Hollywood tabloids do with celebrity news. They take a simple story and twist it so much that it seems like a bigger deal than it actually is. With Cupid gone all dealings that have to do with love and kindness were lost. Venus is extremely angry when she finds out that Cupid is in love with Psyche. This makes her dislike Psyche even more. Venus wants to get revenge on both Cupid and Psyche. Psyche seeks the help and protection from the goddesses Ceres and Juno. Ceres cannot help her because she is such a close friend to Venus. Juno is unable to help Psyche as well. Since they were of no help, Psyche decides to confront Venus herself. So, she tries to find a way to get to Venus’ house. Venus sets a reward for anyone who can tell her the location of Psyche. Psyche is soon found and brought to Venus. Venus has Psyche beaten and tortured by her servants. Maybe this could be represented as Venus’ friends slandering her name in the tabloids. Venus thinks that this is all funny. Now Venus is putting Psyche to the test by making her sort out piles of different beans and grains. Ants quickly came to Psyche’s aid and helped her sort out the pile. Now Psyche must get golden fleece from sheep that graze in a field nearby. Psyche didn’t want to try and complete this task so she decided to throw herself off a cliff. However, as she went to do this she was given the advice to wait till the sheep cool off in the evening and look for their wool and branches. Even still Venus didn’t give her approval. So, she told Psyche to go to the river Styx and the river Cocytus and to get water from them. With the help of Jupiter’s eagle, Psyche was able to get the water from the river into a vial. Even after this Venus is not impressed so she wants Psyche to go to the underworld to meet Proserpine. She needed to ask her for a bit of her beauty. Even though she was told not to look in the jar, she was too curious. When she went to look she instantly fell asleep. However, Cupid found her and was able to wake her up. He asked Jupiter for help to get back at Venus. Jupiter called for a meeting of all the gods and told everyone that Cupid and Psyche were going to get married.

Now we are back to the old woman who was originally telling the story. The robbers packed up their stuff and went to a cave to get more. The robbers want to kill the donkey because he is not very helpful. The donkey is now thinking of how to escape his death. As he tried to escape the old woman caught him and pulled him back. The kidnapped girl helped the donkey escape and rode him to safety. The donkey finally turns back into his human form.

Bibliography: Cupid and Psyche, written by Apuleius and translated English by Tony Kline. A fairy tale included in the novel The Golden Ass.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Reading Notes: Cupid and Psyche, Part A

The narrator is a man turned donkey, who is traveling with a bunch of thieves. Why is this guy a donkey, and what does he have to do with the plot? The thieves kidnap a girl from a wealthy family. The girl was going to get married the day she was taken by the robbers. She was getting married to her cousin. An old woman is with the robbers, she is trying to comfort the girl by telling her a story. Why is the old woman with the robbers in the first place?
(Psyche Transported, by Giordano)
The story starts with the youngest daughter to the king and queen, her beauty is indescribable with mortal words. Many people speculated that this girl could be the goddess Venus herself. People stopped worshiping Venus and started worshiping the princess. Venus became very angry at the thought of being replaced by a mortal. Venus is going to get revenge on Psyche stealing her spotlight! This kinda sounds like celebrities these day, always jealous when a new star comes into town and steals their spotlight. I can see the headlines now “Psyche, the new Venus?”. Maybe I can set my story in modern day Hollywood were Venus is a well-established A-Lister, and Psyche is a new star to roll through town, and she quickly steal Venus’ fame. Venus wants Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with the worst guy there is, the unluckiest guy on earth. Even though Psyche was such a beautiful no one wanted to marry her. An oracle told her father that she will get married, but it will be the death of her. She was taken to the palace of a god. There are invisible servants at this palace. Everyone back home thinks she is dead and her sisters are going to go to the cliff where Psyche was left to mourn. Psyche is told that she can’t respond or even look at her sisters or it will bring her a lot of pain and misery. Psyche convinced her husband (who is also invisible) to let her see her sisters, but he said she shouldn’t listen to their advice if they tell her to try and reveal his true self to her. When her sisters saw all that she had, they became jealous and angry. They are going to plot to harm or even murder her because they don’t think she deserves her riches. She revealed her husband to be Cupid himself. Maybe this could tie in to something online, where neither see each other face, but Psyche can’t help but find out who she is talking to. She goes to her sisters and makes up a story that Cupid wants to take one of them as his wife, that sister, without second thought, jumps from the cliff and dies. After that she goes to her second sister and says the same thing, and the same outcomes happens.

Bibliography: Cupid and Psyche, written by Apuleius and translated English by Tony Kline. A fairy tale included in the novel The Golden Ass.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Growth Mindset

I hadn’t heard of the notion of growth mindset before this class assignment, so everything is new to me. I enjoyed the notion of getting a grade of “not yet” instead of a failing grade. Transitioning to college from high school was hard for me because I never really had to apply myself to get a good grade. So, coming to college and getting two failing grades in the same semester really through me for a loop. It was hard for me to recognize that my failing grade didn’t mean I was stupid, it just meant that I needed to approach school from a different angle and try again. As my dad always tells me “As long as you know you tried your best you can’t beat yourself up for getting a bad grade. Just try again next time”. As I have been here at OU taking different classes that require different things from me, I have started to develop my own way of doing my school work. I have figured out what methods work for me and what don’t work for me. However, I am still learning and still trying new ways to make my study habits and homework habits better. I have discovered that reading or working on homework for long periods of time is not the best method for me. Doing small chunks of one task and having a small break in between is better for me because it gives me time to recollect my thoughts. I’m not sure how much I will want to continue learning about growth mindset. I might do a few extra credit assignments just to learn more about what exactly it’s all about, but I don’t think it will be something that will keep my interest the rest of the semester. Maybe as I work through the extra credit assignments my interest in the concept of growth mindset will get bigger.

Time Strategies

I read the articles The Psychology of Checklists by Lauren Marchese and 4 Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination by Peter Banerjea. I really enjoy making checklists and task list to help me accomplish task, so it was interesting to find out that there was a scientific reason for my love of lists. Even though I love making lists, I am sometimes bad at checking things off. I realized that not all lists are created equal, and I need to get better at creating to do lists that are filled with tasks that I can reasonably do in a day so that I don’t get overwhelmed by the size of my list. I also learned that procrastination can be combated by reminding yourself about the importance of finishing the task on time. I have the problem of convincing myself that I have more time to do something than I really do, or telling myself that the task won’t take as much time as it actually will. I think I need to just get better at looking at my planner daily to see what tasks I have coming up, that way I can start them early enough. Another thing I can do is just being realistic with how I will spend my time and factor in break time. I don’t do well with focusing for long periods of time and I like to be able to take short frequent breaks throughout my day. So, factoring that into my schedule beforehand will give me a better idea of how long I will need to complete a task. Which in turn will help me to start them at the correct time so that I can work at a good pace. The last thing I can do to be better at managing my time is to just put myself in a location where I won’t get as distracted as much, that way I can use the time I do have better.
 Image result for procrastination

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Reading Options

Apuleius's Cupid and Psyche

I really love Greek mythology so I was excited to see that as an option as one of our week 2 reading options. I have always loved reading about Greek mythology even from a young age. I don't know everything so I probably don't know much about these stories, but I am excited to read and learn more.

The reason I chose this set of stories is because they looked really cute and fun. I just love England as a whole so I thought I would give their fairy tales a shot. I don't think all of them will be happy and fun stories, but some of the titles just sound fun.

Russian Folktales

The reason I chose this set of stories is because I feel like Russian culture is very dark when it comes to their fairy tales and I am looking forward to reading some darker stories. I think that these set of fairy tales will be pretty much the opposite from the set of English fairy tales.

Storybook Favorites

I like to read fairy tales so I know a bit about the classic characters, but not much is said about their parents (they are usually dead by the start of the story), so that was a fun unique take. I really enjoyed this storybook because it focused more on the parents of the fairy tale characters. It helped to show how the characters were shaped by their parents to become the people in the stories that we know. Because of Ella's mother's kindness, Ella was able to have that same attitude which ultimately helped her to get her prince. With Belle's father, his love of books and unrelenting kindness shaped Belle to be the woman who fell in love with the beast and broke his curse. Rapunzel's story explains how she got stuck in the tower in the first place. Her parents decided to steal some plants from an evil enchantress’s garden. This resulted in having Rapunzel being taken away and help captive.
I thought this was such a fun story. I really love Greek mythology, so it was fun to see these characters put in the setting of a game show. It was also a fun way to learn more about Greek mythology. I knew some of the answers to the questions that were asked, but most of them I didn't really know how to answer them. It was a fun and simple read. The introduction did a good job of getting me interested in the stories to come.
This story caught my attention because of the title. I knew from the title that these stories would somehow twist the happily ever after trope and make the storybook characters to have a sad ending. I really enjoyed seeing how it wasn’t a different ending from the original fairy tale, but it was after the “happily ever after” where all the bad things started happening. The introduction to these stories was fun because it kind of was tongue-in-cheek and warned you not to continue reading, which of course made me want to read the stories. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Week 1 Story: The Girl Who Got To Close To The Fire

Little Polly Flinders
Sat among the cinders,
Warming her pretty little toes.
Her mother came and caught her,
and whipped her little daughter
For spoiling her nice new clothes.
{Original Nursery Rhyme}
The date was December 21, 1817, the temperature outside felt like -10 degrees Celsius . It felt like the coldest day of the year here in my small English village, and my family and I had just walked home from our Sunday evening church service. With it being that last service before Christmas, my mother wanted me to look extra special. She and my father save up enough money to be able to buy the nicest gown the village seamstress made.
It was so cold outside and the church was so far away, that by the time I got home I could hardly feel my toes. My mother started a fire for us all to warm up next to, but told me I had to change before I could sit down. I knew it would take me too much time to take the dress off by myself, so when my mother left the room I sat down on the floor right next to the fire and warmed up my feet as fast as I could. I was almost ready to get up and go to my room when my mother walked in to check on the fire. When she saw me sitting on the floor in my nice dress she was furious. It didn’t help that when I stood up to leave there was a giant soot mark on the back of my dress where I had sat down on the floor. This sent my mother into a rage. She started yelling at me for being so irresponsible and careless with such an expensive piece of clothing. I knew what was about to come, my mother never likes to let me off easy. She went to get her ruler so that she could smack me one the back of my hands. For not only disobeying her, but for getting soot on my dress, she said I would get ten smacks per hand. I tried not to cry, it was over rather quickly. After she was done with my punishment, she led me to my room so that she could make sure my dress got cleaned as quickly as possible. I just hope that I will never have to wear that gown ever again. 
Author's Note: There isn't much to the original rhyme so I had a lot of free reign. The only things that were stated was that it was cold out, because Polly needed to warm her feet up, Polly was wearing a very nice dress, and that her mother got very upset when she saw what had happened. Since the weather was cold I set the story close to Christmas so that Polly would have a reason to have such a nice dress. I decided to add more detail about her being at the fire place and then her subsequent punishment.
Bibliography: This story is based off of the nursery rhyme "Little Polly Flinders" from The Nursery Rhyme Book by Andrew Land

Introduction to a Disney Lover

Hello everyone! My name is Morgan Humphrey. I am a junior computer science major from Fort Wort, Texas. One thing that you need to know about me is my love of Disney! (If you read my last post you will have gotten a little taste for how I feel about Disney.) I love Disney as a company, but I really enjoy the parks the most! The only park I have been to so far is Disney World.
Me at Disney World during
my latest trip.

 However, my ultimate goal is to be able to visit all of the Disney parks around the world. There is a total of six parks all across the world, so it will take me a long time before I am able to fulfill my goal. Once I graduate from OU I am not really sure what I would like to do with my major. My favorite part of programming so far would have to be the interface aspect. I have really enjoyed the projects where we must create the interface that the user uses to navigate the program. I enjoy having something physical to look at once I run the program. I think that I would enjoy creating mobile apps. I also have an interest in robotics, so I would love to learn how I can use my programming knowledge to work with robots. If I had to shoot for the stars with my career goals, I would have to say that I would love to work with the animatronics at the Disney Parks. I think it would be such a fun job to have, and I would love to be able to work behind the scenes of my favorite rides at the parks. Now a little bit about my family! My parents have been married 29 years and I have three siblings. My oldest sister Anna is 27 years old. She graduated from OU with an environmental engineering degree. My second oldest sister Caitlin is 24 years old. She also graduated from OU with an advertising major. I also have a twin brother Taylor who is 12 minutes younger than me. We are both 21 years old. He is also here at OU and is also a computer science major. I guess we have a hard time not doing the same things.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Disney World- My Favorite Place

When asked the question "Where is your favorite place to go?", the answer is always easy; Disney World! I first visited Disney World when I was twelve years old. My family and I were only there for three days, but I was hooked! Something about the attention to detail and the magical feeling I got when I walked through the Magic Kingdom gates had me the first-time round! As of now I have been to Disney World a total of three times, and each time it just gets better! Every time I have gone I have found something new to love and appreciate about the Disney Parks! If I were to rank the Disney Parks from best to worst the number one spot would go to the Magic Kingdom.
(Cinderella's Castle in the Magic Kingdom)
(By Jedi94 at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, 

 There are so many great rides, and great restaurants too. With the iconic Cinderella’s castle, right in the forefront of the park, it’s hard not to get excited when you walk down Main Street towards it. The second-place park would have to be Epcot. There are so many fun places to shop within the World Showcase, it’s hard not to spend all my money there. Third place goes to Hollywood Studios. There are some good rides there, but I can never seem to spend a full day at the park. Lastly, we have Animal Kingdom. I don’t enjoy high thrill roller coasters, and with a lack of shops, there isn’t much that keeps my attention at this park. My favorite ride in all of Disney World is Splash Mountain. It is such an iconic ride that I could ride it all day long and not get bored! Overall Disney is my happy place! I dream of going back and can’t wait for the day when I can take my kids to the parks and let them experience the Disney Magic firsthand!

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Morgan's Mythology

Image result for greek goddess
The Goddess Venus

Testing Testing 1,2,3

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